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Aesthetic Geometric Shape


to coach ​Ladislav!

Ladislav Smrtnik

Transformative Coach &

Innate Wellbeing Specialist


I specialize in helping individuals and professionals significantly ​improve their mental well-being, find balance and clarity, and ​enhance the quality of their personal and professional lives.

  • Conquer overwhelming emotions and mental challenges such ​as insecurity, self-doubt, burnout, stress, anxiety, sadness, ​limiting beliefs, perfectionism, undesired habits, and more.

  • Learn the skills to handle unpredictable situations and find ​peace, balance, resilience, and enjoyment in your life.

  • Discover the best dwelling within you and boost your results ​while balancing work and life.

Your time and life are precious. Enhance the quality of your life ​and enjoy it to the fullest.

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What I Can Do For You

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Portrait of Stressed Businessman



Overcome overwhealming ​emotional and psychological ​ch​allenges.

Light Gradient Circle

Find Emotional ​Stab​ility

Find the key to peac​e, emotional stability a​nd resilienc​e.

Light Gradient Circle
Living life to the full

Unlock Your ​Human P​otential

Unlock your human ​potential to start living your ​li​fe in fullness.

Why Me?

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Two People Hugging Illustration



Deep, Understanding,

Human to Human ​


Modern Vaporwave DJ Set
Bubble Chat Typing

Empowering ​Conversations

Simple, Empowering,

and Safe


Modern Vaporwave DJ Set
Thumbs Up



Instant, Transformative,

and Lasting


If you think that you have already tried everything with little or no results, I feel you. You are not ​alone, and it is not your fault.

See, the majority of coaches, therapists, and self-help books, in their good will to help, suggest or use ​methods and techniques based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how human experience is ​created.

This cannot help, and you might be blaming yourself for your lack of success or not following through, ​losing hope of ever being free from your challenges and achieving your desired results.

My coaching is different. It is based on a little-known yet very powerful understanding of how the ​human mind truly works. No methods, no techniques—just simple conversations, like with a best ​friend.

I will take you by the hand, and we will go on a journey of deep self-discovery. You will be able to see ​the true cause of your experience, and you will know exactly what to do with it.

You will discover your true and authentic self, gain the skills to handle anything life throws at you, ​and find the true potential dwelling within you, ready to be recognized.

The result of my coaching is rapid, life-changing, and lasting.

Imagine the feeling of complete freedom...

Client Feedback

Emily R.

Ladislav asked me so many questions that I never asked ​myself. Which then led to discovering more about myself. ​Through the coaching sessions, I found myself and had a ​deeper understanding of why I live my life the way I do... it ​was a big surprise to understand my authentic self more.

Daniel F.

I was stuck in a rut, and talking to coach Ladislav got me ​out of it in a 2-hour session, when I would have needed ​weeks if not months on my own. ...Ladislav's coaching has ​had an exceptional impact on my life...

Annie B.

The coaching showed me the way to work with my ​emotions, which helped me not only in my personal but ​also professional life. I manage stress and tense situations ​much better.

Joseph J.

During my coaching sessions, my worries gradually ​dissolved, till I gained self-confidence and I grabbed my ​life into my own hands.

Martin K.

Ladislav is my gift from God...

Kristina M.

Let's connect...

Reach out for an exploratory conversation:

Book a FREE 60-90 min. Zoom online call...

  • Create a crystal clear vision of what you really want in ​your life and what matters to you to live a truly fulfilled life.

  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ​success of living your life in fullness and using your full ​potential.

  • Leave the session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to ​finally live your life as you are meant to and to make the ​steps that bring you to your awesomeness.
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Join the ultimate community for personal development, ​spiritual growth, and mental well-being, and unlock three ​levels of freedom.

It's time to stop seeking freedom. Join our community and ​become a Freedom Dweller.

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I’m sure you’ve already received a ton of ideas and advice ​on how to live a freer life. But no matter what changes you ​attempt in your life and surroundings, and no matter what ​goals you achieve...

...if you don't find inner freedom, you won't find happiness. ​That's why you need to unlock essential freedom from ​within first.

Join our community and unlock three levels of freedom:

  • Free from social conditioning and external programming.
  • Free from internal limitations and mental challenges.
  • Free your creative potential and design your own life.

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